

This is a long one - lots of the girlie.
It turned into summer really abruptly this weekend. Clair and Emily and I took a walk to the park.


Then there was an incident with an apple core Clair couldn't let go of...and things go sad from there. She talked about it all the way home and over dinner...I guess it was kind of a special apple core?

PS - Girls still REALLY into skateboarders. Rawr!

Emily and lady Clair came over last week for a minute. Girl's a ham.


We went to Churchill Square the other day too.

Where da birds at!!!!?????

I went to the Italian market last weekend, or maybe the one before? With Em and CeCe and their friends Kate and Baby Lee. That was a good walk, I did it again tonight.
Clair's kinda done getting her picture taken.

Not Baby Lee - He be mean muggin.


Clair took some pictures too.

Then we went to this park - crazy that Clair's the big kid now.

Anyway, super excited for summertime.


  1. Awesome shots Esther!
    Conventionally I'd say the strongest ones are the one of Em and Clair walking over the bridge ,the one with Clair looking up and the sun falling on her hair, and the two hiding ones (which are both fabulous). My favourite are the 'Rawr!' one and 'where the birds at', that one cracks me up. The top hiding one, though. Fantastic!. That's the kind of punch I wish all my pictures had.
    Oh ya and Clair's pictures have more soul than a lot of pictures I see today. Keep on passing it to her.
    Oh ya... another good summertime.....

  2. Aw - duncan thank you so much for taking the time...it totally means a lot. and yeah its easy to shoot a lot with clair around, and she's always up for it - funniest is that she shuts her eye when she looks through the view finder, she goes on feeling i guess.

    This song is totally for when you're walking out your door out onto the summer street and people are all over and you casually wave at them....the joplin versions like for when its the hot right before a thunderstorm and all you can do is lie around. both are incredible.


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