
BBQ in Staten Island with Wu-Tang Members.

No that didn't happen, but we discuss the circumstances that might lead to it daily and nightly.

Alysha and i think about all sorts of hypothetical situations and rad ideas that we assume will come to fruition one way or another. for instance, Rap Spelling Bees. what you know about that, son?

On Sunday we woke up early(er) and went to the Puerto Rican day parade. it was crazy. it goes from 44nd street up to 80-something. 80 thousand people are in it and 3 million people watch. floats leave the start point from 11 am until 4 pm. thats five hours of people starting the parade.

The whole day alysha and I had been refraining from singing that song about Puerto Rico (oooooh! heeeey!) out loud. we got off the subway and walked a block down and immediately heard that song. it was good. The parade ended with a car club accompanied by the "new york gym boys." thats just hot guys with no shirts. on a calender. and they all carried the calander with their own picture showing. Now that parade was cute to begin with, but the gym boys were only outranked by the Puerto Rican firemen, who i would argue are New Yorks VERY Finest. also they provide a valuable public service. so....thats good of them.

After the parade we found a food cart and ate in columbus square. then we took out money from the bank. shorty what you thank?

Then we had a nap.

Later we went to a comedy club in the east village. there were maybe 11 other people there. The comedians came out to Beastie Boys' Sabotage. I was with it. The show was really funny and the comedians thought we were lovely and delightful because we laughed the whole time and no one else was any fun. we got lots of shout outs. They were all funny except one guy, we wont go when he is playing.

rained hard all night and was freezing. i got up to close the window and put on my plaid button up. for bed. because i dont have a sweatshirt. it was a little embarrassing in the morning.

went for a walk down ave C in the moring while alysha was stil sleeping. we don't walk down there much and i think its the most interesting street close to us. more housing projects and spanish - seems more like how the neighbourhood would have been before it got hipped.

went to williamsburg and had breakfast on a sunny patio. man did it look like williamsburg. we were part of it, i don't kbow how i feel about that. but i do like brooklyn best so far. even williamsburg.

went to this thrift store and bought so many rad clothes. more designer names for alysha. more black and white for me. i tried on stuff i wouldn't normally wear and liked most of it. got some business casual.

when we got out of the subway it was raining pretty hard so we waited it out with a crowd and built a raport with them a little.

now we're going for burgers at the Royale, this little place on C.

i love C.

love love love you all. probably.
keep your head up.


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