Welp, the Royal with Cheese was the best burger i've ever tasted in my life. they were on the today show just the other day.
we ended up watching lost. no more watching lost here. miles and sawyer are on hold.
Tuesday we were going to go to Staten but i wanted to go by this shop Dave's Quality Meats and then we couldn't find a subway stop before we lost interest in it. so instead we spent the day in Chinatown and Little Italy. Did you know no bulk candy store will let you take pictures inside? why!?
We headed to Williamsburg later on to pick up some shoes we had on hold. they are beautiful. then we got ice cream at tasty delite and took 20 hours to decide. it was good but i just like the idea of eating an ice cream cone more than i actually like eating it.
we walked around a bit of Brooklyn we hadn't seen and caught an M ( i think) back from one of those train platforms thats above ground.
Riding the subway back to manhattan on that above ground stretch really got me thinking about the sounds i love here. once i'm going to write about it but i have trouble keeping up with days as it is right now.
Wednesday we went for an incredible latin breakfast at this place called Yuca on Tompkins Square - thats our park. Alysha wasn't really a fan but it made me want to cook it was so good.
Alysha headed back to our spot and I went to look at records at the Turntable Lab. its weird going to places you visit on the Internet in real life. thats what New York is like. the real life internet. I just went to the upper playground store the other day. crazy to me.
Alysha was interested in seeing Bryant park because thats where they hold fashion week. I didn't care so much but when we got there it was so beautiful. It just a small square but I couldn't believe the amount of stuff going on there. In the summer they have movies there on monday night. We watched a game called Paytonque which is the same as Le Boule and like Bocci but overhand instead of underhand. I learned a few things.
They also had table tennis, life performances and a "reading room" its just like an outside library.
(dad i took lots of pictures of this park for you, i think you would love what they do there).
on weekdays they even have free yoga classes. oh and theres a carousal.
Most importantly, they have the swankiest public washroom i have ever seen in my life. Like - fresh cut flowers and stuff. i wished it was socially acceptable to take pictures in a washroom but nope.
Then i got the best fathers day present ever. then we went to the NBA store.
We ended up taking the ferry to Staten. It was night so the city lights were amazing. ooooh city lights - you get me every time. we saw the statue and took a few mediocre pictures. The ride is romantic perfection and it was nice to be on the water for a bit.
Staten island was exactly staten island. it is New York's winnipeg. We ate dinner at this little restaurant/bar where the waitress was chatty and nice and her boyfriend was hanging out at the bar. it reminded me of manitoba. i wanted to order a rye and coke. the place mats had all the presidents on them and we learned a few things. for instance Alysha's dad bares an incredible resemblance to Ulysses S. Grant.
We took the ferry home and some staten island guy was doing a bad job of chatting us up - remember this.
Thursday we did some shopping in the Lower East Side and Soho. We saw a man sleeping standing up and then he magically came back to life and bounded down the street with more energy than ever!
Went to the free night at the New Museum. as usual there was some neat stuff and other stuff i didn't care about. my favourite installation was a video of a kid tying his shoes. it took forever and was frustrating. i liked it. they also had an exhibit where a woman takes sleeping pills and sleeps in the artists bed in the middle of the museum. it was creepy. alysha was fascinated by what would happen when the girl wakes up.
Then we had some margarita's in our neighbourhood and went for a walk.
We talk often about how we are trained to scan crowds for faces we know because we are from winnipeg where you will always know someone. Its weird for us here to scan the crowd and never know anyone. After talking about this it was super ridiculous when we ran into the staten island dude on the street by our place. thats the winnipeg phenomenon
Today we are going to Coney Island! Finally! I'm so excited and am planning to use the rest of roll in my fisheye there at least.
This is so long and i lost interest a while ago. sorry!
PS - Alysia and I were thinking.... Monster Mash Up. why hadn't that happened yet?
big shout outs to Alyshas immediate and extended family - Maddy I'm doing my best to fill in for you.
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